Welcome To The eBitz N ByteZ Monthly Newsletter
New Article Review
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Hello all, and welcome to the September 2020 edition of the of eBits n ByteZ newsletter.
A special welcome to all the new subscribers. I'm so pleased you have signed up.
I've added three new articles to my site in the last month. The plan is to focus on establishing the Computer Basics section with, I hope, good quality content that is relevant to you.
You may notice I've tweaked the Modal (the pop up screen that appears - only once - when you visit a page) to include a link to my Facebook Page and Twitter Feed (Links also at the bottom of this newsletter).
What is Fibre Broadband?
This is a question I often see in forums and on websites, and I'm frequently unsatisfied with the answers or responses. A lot of the top Google responses to this question are from broadband providers, who are (understandably) focused on selling their products.
So, I thought I would have a go at answering this question myself.
In the article we look at how fibre broadband works, including a quick trip down memory lane to see how our Internet connectivity has evolved over the last 20 years, and the different types of fibre connectivity available today.
We then look at some advantages of fast Internet connectivity, such as supporting modern on-demand services like Netflix, and Video Conferencing, which has increased in popularity following the COVID-19 pandemic lock downs.
We also look at
some disadvantages, such as the damage that can happen to fibre cabling.
I hope the article is easy to understand and is of interest. I quite enjoyed writing it because it overlaps with some responsibilities in my day job.
What is Fibre Broadband
Different Types of Fibre Broadband Connectivity Available Today
Home Broadband Setup
Continuing the Broadband theme I thought it would be useful to write an article on how to set up your home broadband like an IT professional would.
To that end we look at how to connect your wireless router, and cover how to test your home telephone line if you are experiencing any service issues.
We then briefly cover how to connect your devices to your wireless router, then run through some changes you should make to your router settings that will improve the security of your online connection. This is critical.
I've also included a section on how to improve the wireless coverage in your home. It is quite frustrating when there are dead spots in your home. There are techniques available to plug these gaps in the article.
Home Broadband Setup
Wi-Fi Analyser Results Example
The Basics of Cloud Computing
I think this article is important for both present and future computing. There is a lot of interesting terminology used in the computing world, especially in the 'cloud computing space'. This makes it difficult to understand, so I thought I would attempt to cut through the jargon and explain cloud computing in simple terms.
The article looks at what cloud computing is and how it works (some data centres are huge!). We then look at some cloud-based services that you may be using, and cover the benefits and concerns.
Take a look at the article and let me know what you think. I value your feedback. I hope you find it easy to understand, and hope it made some sense to you.
The Basics of Cloud computing
Examples of Cloud Services
Thank You
That's it for this month's newsletter. Thank you for reading and your continued support. It is very much appreciated.
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