Welcome To The eBitz N ByteZ Monthly Newsletter
It's All About The Tablets
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Welcome to the December 2020 edition of the eBits n ByteZ newsletter. Despite all the challenges this year has presented, I can't believe we are in December already. Where has the time gone?
Well, despite the long working hours, I have managed to fit in roughly one new web article per week and this month I can describe 4 new articles which I hope you find informative.
Before I do that, I'll briefly mention the subscriber list is continuing to grow, which I am delighted with. Long may that continue. If you are new, welcome, and thank you for subscribing.
This month's newsletter is all about Computer Tablets. This is one section I thought was a bit light on content, so I have been adding what, I hope, is relevant and interesting articles.
Below is some further details about the articles written in November.
Computer Tablet Accessories Parts 1 and 2
Computer tablets are usually WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). There are no easy methods for upgrading the screen, memory or processor like in a traditional computing device.
Therefore, tablet accessories are crucial in mobile computing today, and the market is huge!
There are all sorts of accessories to choose from, but how do you know what is suitable for you?
My thoughts are, you start with an idea of what accessory
types are available today. In the two articles below, we take a look at eight different accessories.
These include tablet cases and screen protectors, power banks, wireless keyboards, hard drives and speakers, and stylus pens, and adjustable tablet stands.
For each accessory, we look at the pros and cons, and there is a link off to the items reviewed.
Computer Tablet Accessories Part 1
Computer Tablet Accessories Part 2

Tablet Bluetooth Wireless Speaker
Tablet Operating Systems
I think a good understanding of Tablet Operating Systems is needed if you are to have a chance of using a tablet computer effectively.
As you likely know, there are three main O/S types that are shipped with tablet devices - the Apple iPadOS, Android and Microsoft Windows.
In this article, we focus on the these main tablet operating systems in use today. We take a brief look at the evolution of each O/S, and then the advantages and drawbacks of each, as they stand today.
The risk with writing about tablet operating systems is that you could dedicate an entire website to each one. They are feature rich and come with so many options. It would be impossible
to cover everything in a single article, or even a single website for that matter.
I hope you find the article is worth your time to read.
Tablet Operating Systems

The Apple iPadOS is one of the Operating Systems covered by this article
Mobile App Stores
It is difficult to find any sources online that explains app stores in the way I would like. Most of the links when searching are for accessing the stores themselves only.
This was the motivation behind writing this article.
We first look at
what an app actually is. You could say it is a beginners guide to mobile apps.
Next, we review the different types of mobile apps available today. Collectively, they are known as native apps in the app development world.
We then look at mobile app stores, touching on their evolution, and other parts of their design that may be more unfamiliar to you, such as the app vetting processes.
Mobile App Stores

The Apple App Store, Google Play Store (Android) and Microsoft Store (Windows) are all covered in this article.
Final Thoughts
That concludes this month's newsletter, and the final one of the year. Thank you for reading.
You are welcome to forward this e-mail on to all of your friends and family.
I am looking forward to 2021, and hope the eComputerZ website will continue to flourish.
It's fair to say 2020 has been unique for all of us. I hope this holiday season is the best yet for you and your family. Thank you for all of your support.
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Thank you again for taking the time to read my newsletter. Until next time, take a look at the following eComputerZ resources.
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