Stephen Harrison B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc., MBCS, CITP
All alt codes and symbols are available in the chart below. As the full table is displayed, use Ctrl + F and simply search this web page for the name, the description, or the symbol (if you have it copied from another source) to find what you are looking for.
Also, don't forget to download the offline PDF copy of all the Alt Codes referenced in the list below.
In addition, take a look at the how to make alt codes page for instruction and guidance on how to make alt key codes for special characters and symbols.
Symbol | Alt Code | Description |
☺ | 1 | White Smiling Face |
☻ | 2 | Black Smiling Face |
♥ | 3 | Black Heart Suit |
♦ | 4 | Black Diamond Suit |
♣ | 5 | Black Club Suit |
♠ | 6 | Black Spade Suit |
• | 7 | Bullet |
◘ | 8 | Inverse Bullet |
○ | 9 | White Circle |
◙ | 10 | Inverse White Circle |
♂ | 11 | Male Sign Mars Alchemical Symbol For Iron |
♀ | 12 | Female Sign Venus Alchemical Symbol For Copper |
♪ | 13 | Eighth Note Quaver |
♫ | 14 | Beamed Eighth Notes Barred Eighth Notes Beamed Quavers |
☼ | 15 | White Sun With Rays |
► | 16 | Black Right-Pointing Pointer |
◄ | 17 | Black Left-Pointing Pointer |
↕ | 18 | Up Down Arrow |
‼ | 19 | Double Exclamation Mark |
¶ | 20 | Pilcrow Sign Paragraph Sign |
§ | 21 | Section Sign |
▬ | 22 | Black Rectangle |
↨ | 23 | Up Down Arrow With Base |
↑ | 24 | Upwards Arrow |
↓ | 25 | Downwards Arrow |
→ | 26 | Rightwards Arrow Z Notation Total Function |
← | 27 | Leftwards Arrow |
∟ | 28 | Right Angle |
↔ | 29 | Left Right Arrow Z Notation Relation |
▲ | 30 | Black Up-Pointing Triangle |
▼ | 31 | Black Down-Pointing Triangle |
spc | 32 | Space |
! | 33 | Exclamation Mark Factorial |
" | 34 | Quotation Mark |
# | 35 | Number Sign Pound Sign Hash Crosshatch Octothorpe |
$ | 36 | Dollar Sign Milréis Escudo |
% | 37 | Percent Sign |
& | 38 | Ampersand |
' | 39 | Apostrophe |
( | 40 | Left Parenthesis Opening Parenthesis |
) | 41 | Right Parenthesis Closing Parenthesis |
* | 42 | Asterisk Star |
+ | 43 | Plus Sign |
, | 44 | Comma Decimal Separator |
- | 45 | Hyphen Minus Sign |
. | 46 | Full Stop Period Dot Decimal Point |
/ | 47 | Solidus Slash Forward Slash Virgule |
0 | 48 | Digit Zero |
1 | 49 | Digit One |
2 | 50 | Digit Two |
3 | 51 | Digit Three |
4 | 52 | Digit Four |
5 | 53 | Digit Five |
6 | 54 | Digit Six |
7 | 55 | Digit Seven |
8 | 56 | Digit Eight |
9 | 57 | Digit Nine |
: | 58 | Colon |
; | 59 | Semicolon |
< | 60 | Less-Than Sign |
= | 61 | Equals Sign |
> | 62 | Greater-Than Sign |
? | 63 | Question Mark |
@ | 64 | Commercial At At Sign |
A | 65 | Latin Capital Letter A |
B | 66 | Latin Capital Letter B |
C | 67 | Latin Capital Letter C |
D | 68 | Latin Capital Letter D |
E | 69 | Latin Capital Letter E |
F | 70 | Latin Capital Letter F |
G | 71 | Latin Capital Letter G |
H | 72 | Latin Capital Letter H |
I | 73 | Latin Capital Letter I |
J | 74 | Latin Capital Letter J |
K | 75 | Latin Capital Letter K |
L | 76 | Latin Capital Letter L |
M | 77 | Latin Capital Letter M |
N | 78 | Latin Capital Letter N |
O | 79 | Latin Capital Letter O |
P | 80 | Latin Capital Letter P |
Q | 81 | Latin Capital Letter Q |
R | 82 | Latin Capital Letter R |
S | 83 | Latin Capital Letter S |
T | 84 | Latin Capital Letter T |
U | 85 | Latin Capital Letter U |
V | 86 | Latin Capital Letter V |
W | 87 | Latin Capital Letter W |
X | 88 | Latin Capital Letter X |
Y | 89 | Latin Capital Letter Y |
Z | 90 | Latin Capital Letter Z |
[ | 91 | Left Square Bracket Opening Square Bracket |
\ | 92 | Reverse Solidus Back Slash |
] | 93 | Right Square Bracket Closing Square Bracket |
^ | 94 | Circumflex Accent |
_ | 95 | Low Line Underscore |
` | 96 | Grave Accent |
a | 97 | Latin Small Letter a |
b | 98 | Latin Small Letter b |
c | 99 | Latin Small Letter c |
d | 100 | Latin Small Letter d |
e | 101 | Latin Small Letter e |
f | 102 | Latin Small Letter f |
g | 103 | Latin Small Letter g |
h | 104 | Latin Small Letter h |
i | 105 | Latin Small Letter i |
j | 106 | Latin Small Letter j |
k | 107 | Latin Small Letter k |
l | 108 | Latin Small Letter l |
m | 109 | Latin Small Letter m |
n | 110 | Latin Small Letter n |
o | 111 | Latin Small Letter o |
p | 112 | Latin Small Letter p |
q | 113 | Latin Small Letter q |
r | 114 | Latin Small Letter r |
s | 115 | Latin Small Letter s |
t | 116 | Latin Small Letter t |
u | 117 | Latin Small Letter u |
v | 118 | Latin Small Letter v |
w | 119 | Latin Small Letter w |
x | 120 | Latin Small Letter x |
y | 121 | Latin Small Letter y |
z | 122 | Latin Small Letter z |
{ | 123 | Left Curly Bracket Opening Curly Bracket Left Brace |
| | 124 | Vertical Line Vertical Bar |
} | 125 | Right Curly Bracket Closing Curly Bracket Right Brace |
~ | 126 | Tilde |
⌂ | 127 | House |
Ç | 128 | Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla |
ü | 129 | Latin Small Letter u With Diaeresis |
é | 130 | Latin Small Letter e With Acute |
â | 131 | Latin Small Letter a with circumflex |
ä | 132 | Latin Small Letter a With Diaeresis |
à | 133 | Latin Small Letter a With Grave |
å | 134 | Latin Small Letter a With Ring Above |
ç | 135 | Latin Small Letter c With Cedilla |
ê | 136 | Latin Small Letter e With Circumflex |
ë | 137 | Latin Small Letter e With Diaeresis |
è | 138 | Latin Small Letter e With Grave |
ï | 139 | Latin Small Letter i With Diaeresis |
î | 140 | Latin Small Letter i With Circumflex |
ì | 141 | Latin Small Letter i With Grave |
Ä | 142 | Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis |
Å | 143 | Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above |
É | 144 | Latin Capital Letter E With Acute |
æ | 145 | Latin Small Letter ae Ash (From Old English æsc) |
Æ | 146 | Latin Capital Letter AE |
ô | 147 | Latin Small Letter o With Circumflex |
ö | 148 | Latin Small Letter o With Diaeresis |
ò | 149 | Latin Small Letter o With Grave |
û | 150 | Latin Small Letter u With Circumflex |
ù | 151 | Latin Small Letter u With Grave |
ÿ | 152 | Latin Small Letter y With Diaeresis |
Ö | 153 | Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis |
Ü | 154 | Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis |
¢ | 155 | Cent Sign |
£ | 156 | Pound Sign Pound Sterling Irish Punt Lira Sign |
¥ | 157 | Yen Sign Yuan Sign |
₧ | 158 | Peseta Sign |
ƒ | 159 | Latin Small Letter f With Hook Florin Currency Symbol Function Symbol |
á | 160 | Latin Small Letter a With Acute |
í | 161 | Latin Small Letter i With Acute |
ó | 162 | Latin Small Letter o With Acute |
ú | 163 | Latin Small Letter u With Acute |
ñ | 164 | Latin Small Letter n With Tilde Small Letter Enye |
Ñ | 165 | Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde Capital Letter Enye |
ª | 166 | Feminine Ordinal Indicator |
º | 167 | Masculine Ordinal Indicator |
¿ | 168 | Inverted Question Mark Turned Question Mark |
⌐ | 169 | Reversed Not Sign Beginning of Line |
¬ | 170 | Not Sign Angled Dash |
½ | 171 | Vulgar Fraction One Half |
¼ | 172 | Vulgar Fraction One Quarter |
¡ | 173 | Inverted Exclamation Mark |
« | 174 | Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark Left Guillemet Chevrons (In Typography) |
» | 175 | Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark Right Guillemet |
░ | 176 | Light Shade |
▒ | 177 | Medium Shade Speckles Fill Dotted Fill |
▓ | 178 | Dark Shade |
│ | 179 | Box Drawings Light Vertical |
┤ | 180 | Box Drawings Light Vertical And Left |
╡ | 181 | Box Drawings Vertical Single And Left Double |
╢ | 182 | Box Drawings Vertical Double And Left Single |
╖ | 183 | Box Drawings Down Double And Left Single |
╕ | 184 | Box Drawings Down Single And Left Double |
╣ | 185 | Box Drawings Double Vertical And Left |
║ | 186 | Box Drawings Double Vertical |
╗ | 187 | Box Drawings Double Down And Left |
╝ | 188 | Box Drawings Double Up And Left |
╜ | 189 | Box Drawings Up Double And Left Single |
╛ | 190 | Box Drawings Up Single And Left Double |
┐ | 191 | Box Drawings Light Down And Left |
└ | 192 | Box Drawings Light Up And Right |
┴ | 193 | Box Drawings Light Up And Horizontal |
┬ | 194 | Box Drawings Light Down And Horizontal |
├ | 195 | Box Drawings Light Vertical And Right |
─ | 196 | Box Drawings Light Horizontal |
┼ | 197 | Box Drawings Light Vertical And Horizontal |
╞ | 198 | Box Drawings Vertical Single And Right Double |
╟ | 199 | Box Drawings Vertical Double And Right Single |
╚ | 200 | Box Drawings Double Up And Right |
╔ | 201 | Box Drawings Double Down And Right |
╩ | 202 | Box Drawings Double Up And Horizontal |
╦ | 203 | Box Drawings Double Down And Horizontal |
╠ | 204 | Box Drawings Double Vertical And Right |
═ | 205 | Box Drawings Double Horizontal |
╬ | 206 | Box Drawings Double Vertical And Horizontal |
╧ | 207 | Box Drawings Up Single And Horizontal Double |
╨ | 208 | Box Drawings Up Double And Horizontal Single |
╤ | 209 | Box Drawings Down Single And Horizontal Double |
╥ | 210 | Box Drawings Down Double And Horizontal Single |
╙ | 211 | Box Drawings Up Double And Right Single |
╘ | 212 | Box Drawings Up Single And Right Double |
╒ | 213 | Box Drawings Down Single And Right Double |
╓ | 214 | Box Drawings Down Double And Right Single |
╫ | 215 | Box Drawings Vertical Double And Horizontal Single |
╪ | 216 | Box Drawings Vertical Single And Horizontal Double |
┘ | 217 | Box Drawings Light Up And Left |
┌ | 218 | Box Drawings Light Down And Right |
█ | 219 | Full Block Solid Block |
▄ | 220 | Lower Half Block |
▌ | 221 | Left Half Block |
▐ | 222 | Right Half Block |
▀ | 223 | Upper Half Block |
α | 224 | Greek Small Letter Alpha |
ß | 225 | Latin Small Letter Sharp s Eszett |
Γ | 226 | Greek Capital Letter Gamma |
π | 227 | Greek Small Letter PI |
Σ | 228 | Greek Capital Letter Sigma |
σ | 229 | Greek Small Letter Sigma |
µ | 230 | Micro sign |
τ | 231 | Greek Capital Letter Tau |
Φ | 232 | Greek Capital Letter Phi |
Θ | 233 | Greek Capital Letter Theta |
Ω | 234 | Greek Capital Letter Omega |
δ | 235 | Greek Small Letter Delta |
∞ | 236 | Infinity |
φ | 237 | Greek Small Letter Phi |
ε | 238 | Greek Small Letter Epsilon |
∩ | 239 | Intersection |
≡ | 240 | Identical to |
± | 241 | Plus-Minus Sign |
≥ | 242 | Greater-Than or Equal To |
≤ | 243 | Less-Than or Equal To |
⌠ | 244 | Top Half Integral |
⌡ | 245 | Bottom Half Integral |
÷ | 246 | Division Sign Obelus |
≈ | 247 | Almost Equal To Asymptotic To |
° | 248 | Degree Sign |
∙ | 249 | Bullet Operator |
· | 250 | Middle Dot Midpoint (In Typography) Interpunct Georgian Comma Greek Ano Teleia |
√ | 251 | Square Root Radical Sign |
ⁿ | 252 | Superscript Latin Small Letter n |
² | 253 | Superscript Two Squared |
■ | 254 | Black Square |
spc | 255 | No-Break Space Non-Breaking Space NBSP |
€ | 0128 | Euro Sign |
‚ | 0130 | Single Low-9 Quotation Mark |
ƒ | 0131 | Latin Small Letter f With Hook Florin Currency Symbol Function Symbol |
„ | 0132 | Double Low-9 Quotation Mark |
… | 0133 | Horizontal Ellipsis Three Dot Leader |
† | 0134 | Dagger Obelisk Cross |
‡ | 0135 | Double Dagger Double Obelisk Diesis |
ˆ | 0136 | Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent |
‰ | 0137 | Per Mille Sign Per Thousand |
Š | 0138 | Latin Capital Letter S With Caron S Hacek |
‹ | 0139 | Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Left Guillemet |
Œ | 0140 | Latin Capital Ligature OE |
Ž | 0142 | Latin Capital Letter Z With Caron Z Hacek |
‘ | 0145 | Left Single Quotation Mark |
’ | 0146 | Right Single Quotation Mark |
“ | 0147 | Left Double Quotation Mark |
” | 0148 | Right Double Quotation Mark |
• | 0149 | Bullet |
– | 0150 | En Dash |
— | 0151 | Em Dash |
˜ | 0152 | Small Tilde |
™ | 0153 | Trade Mark Sign |
š | 0154 | Latin Small Letter s With Caron s Hacek |
› | 0155 | Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Right Guillemet |
œ | 0156 | Latin Small Ligature oe |
ž | 0158 | Latin Small Letter z With Caron z Hacek |
Ÿ | 0159 | Latin Capital Letter Y With Diaeresis |
spc | 0160 | No-Break Space Non-Breaking Space NBSP |
¡ | 0161 | Inverted Exclamation Mark |
¢ | 0162 | Cent Sign |
£ | 0163 | Pound Sign Pound Sterling Irish Punt Lira Sign |
¤ | 0164 | Currency Sign |
¥ | 0165 | Yen Sign Yuan Sign |
¦ | 0166 | Broken Bar Parted Rule (In Typography) |
§ | 0167 | Section Sign |
¨ | 0168 | Diaeresis |
© | 0169 | Copyright Sign |
ª | 0170 | Feminine Ordinal Indicator |
« | 0171 | Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark Left Guillemet Chevrons (In Typography) |
¬ | 0172 | Not Sign Angled Dash |
® | 0174 | Registered Sign |
¯ | 0175 | Macron Overline Overbar |
° | 0176 | Degree Sign |
± | 0177 | Plus-Minus Sign |
² | 0178 | Superscript Two Squared |
³ | 0179 | Superscript Three Cubed |
´ | 0180 | Acute Accent |
µ | 181 | Micro Sign |
¶ | 0182 | Pilcrow Sign Paragraph Sign |
· | 0183 | Middle Dot Midpoint (In Typography) Georgian Comma Greek Ano Teleia |
¸ | 0184 | Cedilla |
¹ | 0185 | Superscript One |
º | 0186 | Masculine Ordinal Indicator |
» | 0187 | Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark Right Guillemet |
¼ | 0188 | Vulgar Fraction One Quarter |
½ | 0189 | Vulgar Fraction One Half |
¾ | 0190 | Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters |
¿ | 0191 | Inverted Question Mark Turned Question Mark |
À | 0192 | Latin Capital Letter A With Grave |
Á | 0193 | Latin Capital Letter A With Acute |
 | 0194 | Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex |
à | 0195 | Latin Capital Letter A With Tilde |
Ä | 0196 | Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis |
Å | 0197 | Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above |
Æ | 0198 | Latin Capital Letter AE |
Ç | 0199 | Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla |
È | 0200 | Latin Capital Letter E With Grave |
É | 0201 | Latin Capital Letter E With Acute |
Ê | 0202 | Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex |
Ë | 0203 | Latin Capital Letter E With Diaeresis |
Ì | 0204 | Latin Capital Letter I With Grave |
Í | 0205 | Latin Capital Letter I With Acute |
Î | 0206 | Latin Capital Letter I With Circumflex |
Ï | 0207 | Latin Capital Letter I With Diaeresis |
Ð | 0208 | Latin Capital Letter eth |
Ñ | 0209 | Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde Capital Letter Enye |
Ò | 0210 | Latin Capital Letter O With Grave |
Ó | 0211 | Latin Capital Letter O With Acute |
Ô | 0212 | Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex |
Õ | 0213 | Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde |
Ö | 0214 | Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis |
× | 0215 | Multiplication Sign z Notation Cartesian Product |
Ø | 0216 | Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke |
Ù | 0217 | Latin Capital Letter U With Grave |
Ú | 0218 | Latin Capital Letter U With Acute |
Û | 0219 | Latin Capital Letter U With Circumflex |
Ü | 0220 | Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis |
Ý | 0221 | Latin Capital Letter Y With Acute |
Þ | 0222 | Latin Capital Letter Thorn |
ß | 0223 | Latin Small Letter Sharp s Eszett |
à | 0224 | Latin Small Letter a With Grave |
á | 0225 | Latin Small Letter a With Acute |
â | 0226 | Latin Small Letter a With Circumflex |
ã | 0227 | Latin Small Letter a With Tilde |
ä | 0228 | Latin Small Letter a With Diaeresis |
å | 0229 | Latin Small Letter a With Ring Above |
æ | 0230 | Latin Small Letter ae Ash (From Old English æsc) |
ç | 0231 | Latin Small Letter c With Cedilla |
è | 0232 | Latin Small Letter e With Grave |
é | 0233 | Latin Small Letter e With Acute |
ê | 0234 | Latin Small Letter e With Circumflex |
ë | 0235 | Latin Small Letter e With Diaeresis |
ì | 0236 | Latin Small Letter i With Grave |
í | 0237 | Latin Small Letter i With Acute |
î | 0238 | Latin Small Letter i With Circumflex |
ï | 0239 | Latin Small Letter i With Diaeresis |
ð | 0240 | Latin Small Letter eth |
ñ | 0241 | Latin Small Letter n With Tilde Small Letter Enye |
ò | 0242 | Latin Small Letter o With Grave |
ó | 0243 | Latin Small Letter o With Acute |
ô | 0244 | Latin Small Letter o With Circumflex |
õ | 0245 | Latin Small Letter o With Tilde |
ö | 0246 | Latin Small Letter o With Diaeresis |
÷ | 0247 | Division Sign Obelus |
ø | 0248 | Latin Small Letter o With Stroke |
ù | 0249 | Latin Small Letter u With Grave |
ú | 0250 | Latin Small Letter u With Acute |
û | 0251 | Latin Small Letter u With Circumflex |
ü | 0252 | Latin Small Letter u With Diaeresis |
ý | 0253 | Latin Small Letter y With Acute |
þ | 0254 | Latin Small Letter Thorn |
ÿ | 0255 | Latin Small Letter y With Diaeresis |