by Pat
(Oklahoma, USA)
Windows XP Desktop Theme
What I like about Windows XP is it simply works! It is a stable Operating System that does exactly what I need it to do.
I used to play many computer games. However, I don't do a lot of gaming any more, and therefore I don't need anything too fancy.
I like the way everything on Windows XP is set up. I have used this version of Windows for many years and can make my way around it without any difficulties.
In addition, I run an online business and I need to make sure my computer is reliable. I can't afford to be offline, as I need to respond to visitor requests in a timely manner.
My son has a Windows Vista computer, and it is nothing but trouble!. It keeps freezing, Blue Screening, and running slow for seemingly no apparent reason.
Therefore, I am so glad that I stayed with XP. It is a mature operating system that is much more stable than its successor!
The commercials for Windows 7 looked interesting back when it first came out, but I don't know anyone who has it.
I have no real reason to move from Windows XP and learn how to use another operating system all over again.
I must admit, I didn't know there even was a Windows 8! LOL. I guess I'm behind the times.
To answer your question, if they stopped supporting or updating XP I would, of course, consider an upgrade, or if for some reason I needed a new computer, then I would research it and get the system that met my needs the best at the time.
I am aware of other operating systems such as the Apple Mac OS X, and free operating systems such as Linux Ubuntu.
I haven't ruled anything out when it comes to replace my current PC or operating system.
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