I Love IE Accelerators

by Jenny
(Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK)

Google Search Accelerator

Google Search Accelerator

I could not live without Internet Explorer Accelerators. I think they are the best thing EVER!

Accelerators are dead easy to install. You just go to the Microsoft IEGallery Website, look through the ones you want and click on them. Simple! Especially if I can do it!

I have several Accelerators installed, but the ones I use the most are:

Search with Google UK

I read many articles online and a lot of the time I am always curious to find out more. With this Accelerator, I can highlight the word or phrase, click the Accelerator button then search it with Google.

It opens up a new tab in my web browser, which is great because I don't know how to do that myself. I've included a picture using your site as an example :)

Cambridge Dictionary

This is really helpful. There are lots of words that I simply don't understand. This Accelerator is great for a quick reference to what a word or phrase actually means.

Bing Translator

When I am conducting research for my dissertation, I sometimes end up visiting websites that are in a foreign language.

I can translate parts of the page I am interested in to see if it is something that can help me with my work.

I have a few others which I use but very seldom.

As you can see, my tip is to make good use of Accelerators. They help me out no end!

Thank You, Jenna, for writing your personal web page. I am actually not too far away from you (about 2 hours up the road). Leeds is a great place to live!

Accelerators can be very useful, and you have described 3 great ways in which they are useful for you. I think most home computer users are unaware of them and are unsure of how to use them.

They are like most new things that appear on computers and especially the Internet.

It is a question of taking the time to give things a go. Experiment! Then your whole computing experience becomes all the richer.

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