We've not updated this article for a while now, but it still may contain useful information for you

Reinstall Internet Explorer

B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc., MBCS, CITP

The final part of the tutorial series shows you how to Reinstall Internet Explorer. Sometimes you have to do this to sort your issues out. It is a last resort, but easy to do.

You don't have to pay someone to do this. Just follow the instructions below.


If you are using Windows 7 or later, and wish to continue using Internet Explorer, upgrade to the latest version.

This ensures you have access to all the latest features for today's web surfing, and have all the security measures that Microsoft have implemented to date for safer browsing!

Part One and Part Two introduce you to some new Internet Explorer features such as Web Slicing and Private Browsing.

Part Three shows you how to use certain software options, such as the Parental Controls.

Part Four and Part Five should be read together as they show you the 12 steps to speed up your web browser.

Once you look through all the articles, your understanding on how to improve your web browsing experience improves.

The tutorials include hints and tips that you may not be aware of. Keep and eye out for them.

There are also plenty of images to help you see how easy this is. Give it a go.

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Before you reinstall Internet Explorer, you can choose to reset Internet Explorer settings to their default condition.

This is a final check to see if any changes you, or unbeknownst to you, a software application, may have made to the set-up. If this fails, it is time for a reinstall.

Reset Internet Explorer Settings

In terms of Internet Explorer repair, this is the last real option before reinstalling. It is Microsoft's answer to a self-serving repair tool.

It resets all settings to the point where it is like a new installation. It disables your toolbars, add-ons and security settings.

If you choose, your Home Page and Delete All Temporary Internet Files, History and Accelerators are also reset. The only thing that remains is your Favourites.

To reset your web browser settings:-

  • Select Tools > Internet Options > Advanced tab

  • Left-click the Reset button

  • A box saying Are you sure you want to reset all Internet Explorer settings? Appears. 

    Before you select the second reset button, left click in the box to check the Delete Personal Settings option. This ensures all settings are returned to their default values.
  • After selecting the reset button, open up IE as you do normally before you encountered any problems. 

    If you think the reset tool has worked, there is no need to reinstall Internet Explorer. 

    However, if you find your problems still exist, e.g. not opening correctly, you have no choice but to reinstall.

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Internet Explorer Removal

There are a couple of things you need to do first before you re-install:-

  • Close down your local Firewall

  • Close down your Anti-Virus program

This is to ensure there is no interference with the reinstall process, e.g. a computer virus removal program blocking files or your firewall preventing Internet access when required.

  • Select the Free Internet Explorer Download link

  • Select your Language and Windows Version, then select the Select your Language and Windows Version, then select the Download button. Select Save on the File Download box.
  • Decide to save the file somewhere convenient, e.g. My Documents. Select the Save button. 

    The Internet Explorer EXE downloads to your computer. The download time will vary depending on things such as your broadband connection
  • Double left-click the downloaded file, then select Run when prompted. The Internet Source files are extracted from your EXE. You don't need to worry about the exact location.

Source File Extraction ProcessReinstall Internet Explorer
Source File Extraction Process

  • Once extracted, IE is automatically removed from your computer. Be patient until the uninstall is finished, then select the Restart Now (Recommended) button. Wait for your PC to restart.

Uninstall Process RestartReinstall Internet Explorer
Uninstall Process Restart

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Internet Explorer Installation

  • When your computer restarts, IE automatically begins the reinstall process.

  • At the Welcome To Windows Internet Explorer 8 window, decide if you want to participate in the Improvement Program or not. Click Next.

Welcome To Windows Internet Explorer 8Reinstall Internet Explorer
Welcome To Windows Internet Explorer 8

  • Select I accept on the Please Read The Licence Terms window.
  • Put a tick in the Install Updates box, then select Next. This way you ensure you have maximum protection when you first go online
  • Be patient until the install process completes, then select the Restart Now (Recommended) button

Installing IE8Reinstall Internet Explorer
Installing IE8

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Internet Explorer Setup And Final Tasks

  • When your computer is restarting, you may see the Personalized Settings message. This is normal.

  • Wait until you are prompted to set up. Select Next on the Welcome To Internet Explorer 8 window.
  • Decide whether to keep the default search provider (Bing) or be given the option of other search providers after the setup.
  • Decide whether you want to download search provider updates, then select Next. The choice is yours. Do you have a preferred search provider? I tend to use Bing.

Search Provider UpdatesReinstall Internet Explorer
Search Provider Updates

  • Choose your Accelerators. I decide to turn off all accelerators in this example.
  • Decide whether to turn on the SmartScreen Filter. Read this as saying Turn On Your SmartScreen Filter!

SmartScreen Filter OptionReinstall Internet Explorer
SmartScreen Filter Option

  • Decide whether you want to always view web pages in Compatibility Mode. The number of websites relying on older web browsers to display properly is reducing. However, I still tend to select the Yes option. Select Finish.
  • Re-enable your Firewall and Computer Virus Removal program. Then test the browser to see if it has resolved your problem.

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Reinstall Internet Explorer | Final Thoughts

Reinstalling this web browser is a very straightforward activity, and resolves many persistent issues when it is not working properly. I hope it resolved your issues.

This concludes the Internet Explorer 8 tutorial series. If you have Microsoft Windows 7, and thinking about moving to the next version of the web browser, take a look at the Internet Explorer 9 page.

Here you will see what the main differences are between IE 8 and IE 9.

Finally, I recommend reading this Make Use Of article which shows you how to remove IE using Windows XP Add/Remove Programs.

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